
A selection of limited edition prints and other artwork available from our gallery. Remember that shipping is free worldwide for all items.

Limited Edition Prints

Other items

Trëz - Birth of an Astronaut - fridge magnet

Christine Morren - She Bought a Pet - fridge magnet

Michael Hutter - In the Woods - fridge magnet

Birth of an Astronaut
by Trëz
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

She Bought a Pet
by Christine Morren
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

In The Woods
by Michael Hutter
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

Sandra Yagi - Anatomical Chimp with Skull - fridge magnet

Jean Francois Bouron - Matrioschka - fridge magnet

Arturo Esparza - Mariposa Desnuda - fridge magnet

Anatomical Chimp With Skull
by Sandra Yagi
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

by Jean-François Bouron
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

Mariposa Desnuda
by Arturo Esparza
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

Jeremy Beswick - Baphomet - Fridge Magnet

Set of 6 Macabre Gallery Fridge Magnet

Galleryx Fridge Magnets

by Jeremy Beswick
Fridge Magnet, 78x52 mm

Set of 6 Macabre Gallery fridge magnets
78x52 mm each

Set of 2 GalleryX fridge magnets
110x40 mm each

Saturno Butto - Martyrologium

Saturno Butto - Breviarium Humanae Redemptionis

by Saturno Buttó
Hardcover, 192 pages

Breviarium Humanae Redemptionis
by Saturno Buttó
Hardcover, 370 pages
Sold out

Many of the works that can be purchased at the gallery are only available during the exhibition and cannot be purchased online. Please write to us for more information.